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 One Admin have left

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Chris RedField
Chris RedField

Posts : 203
Join date : 2011-05-06
Age : 30
Location : Saudi Arabia

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One Admin have left Empty
PostSubject: One Admin have left   One Admin have left EmptyThu May 26, 2011 11:17 pm

[9:24:57 PM] DIANESSETRO: ...
[9:25:00 PM] DIANESSETRO: fuck this.
[9:25:03 PM] *** DIANESSETRO has left ***
[9:25:05 PM] <*Mantas*>: Yoo..
[9:25:13 PM | Edited 9:25:18 PM] <*Mantas*>: Cake..
[9:25:21 PM] Wicked: Anyway he is inactive so.. he doesn't have what to discuss
[9:25:25 PM] Wicked: ^_^
[9:25:31 PM] <*Mantas*>: ^^
[5/25/2011 4:44:56 PM] DIANESSETRO: I'm leaving , I don't think I'm being appreciated here. sorry

Just a note: Try not to get offensive just because someone does not appreciate you. Yes i might have left before because of our argument but that because i was in bad mood, can't think clearly, so try not to leave because of this. If you are wanted to be an admin, you will face alot of things similar to this when we get more players. Life is not always fair. So ignored them, instead leaving.

So Good Bye Aeon, Good to have you here before.

And for some of you, QUIT with your troll, some people here hated troll, including me. So if i see another troll in skype, you will be kicked out from the chat team. Keep going and you will be given a warning. Keep that in mind.
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